Recent polls have showed the Trinity Shamrocks picking up right where they left off and starting the new football season ranked No. 2. Standing on the sidelines it felt like a whole new ball game with this year’s line up. Every year players graduate and move on, freshmen move in and the team’s roster is constantly regenerated.
Fact of life.
Perhaps it was due to the amount of time I spent on the field covering these guys last year that made it feel a little bit different on Friday night. I was missing my guys whose families I have come to know and grown very close to. Possibly the amount of chaos that I went through this past summer to make sure that I could retain and refresh the relationship with the parents and keep making memories they could cherish of their son’s playing; something just felt off.
Whichever the case may be, it was nice being back at Marshall Stadium covering the Rocks. I am ready (and a little nervous) to see what this year may bring. As my dad always says, GO ROCKS!