Megan Stearman Photography » blog

New Policy

 Nothing reminds me of the end of summer as much as walking into any convenient store and having the visual of the school supply display right when you walk in.

Yes, I am no longer in school but I feel for the kids who have this constant reminder in every store they go in.  Summer just goes by too quickly anymore…and now that I am in this real world post college life, I am saddened by the fact I hardly was able to enjoy summer at all.

Do not fear troops, for it is I who have brought you a saving grace!

Moving home back to Louisville, has been pivotal to my photography business.  Throughout the school year I kept very busy bouncing from working 8-5 pm at a professional print lab, going home to grab my gear before quickly heading out to cover the sport that was in season.

Not only has my business grown with my sports photography, but I have also been able to shoot other events such as babies first birthday parties, weddings, and even a Bar Mitzvah!

At the beginning of this year, I decided I wanted to offer more than just standard paper prints.  Possibly from working in the lab, I was able to see what customers and consumers wanted out of their photography.  By instilling new top-of-the-line products, I am now able to offer more to you, the consumer.  Also, with that I have decided to start a new policy – 20% off prints for the first two weeks an event is posted.

Once an event is shot, edited, and uploaded a special pricing will be placed on that gallery to make the galleries standard pricing be discounted by 20% – and that is on each print, not the total amount.  There’s no minimum order necessary.  No catch or gimmick.  Just a thank you, for your continued support in my business.

So while the kids are dreading the ever impending commencement of a new school year, I will be anxiously awaiting with cameras in hand.  (Sorry kids) but I am looking forward to seeing what this new school year can bring!

Happy school supply shopping to all!!


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